
Analysis Of Bailment Relationships

Satisfactory Essays

As I understand it your personal vehicle was vandalized and damaged by what you assume were Blue Devils fans after the Tarheels stomped on them during yesterday’s game (Go
Tarheels). However since there is no way of finding the people who did this you wish to sue
Greensboro Coliseum for damages. Unfortunately I don’t think this will be possible. You see
Bailment relationships are not based on strict liability. This means that just because you used their services it doesn’t mean that they are to be held responsible for all issues that can occur.
There has to negligence involved if you wish to sue Greensboro which you might be able to prove but unlikely. Not that it would matter anyways because you agreed to a set of terms when you paid $20 and left your vehicle. The ticket is a written contract essentially and on that ticket …show more content…

Like I said before, you agreed to those terms when you accept the contract. If you did take this to court then I would be very surprised if the jury sided with you over the case. My advice to you would be to contact Greensboro Coliseum and request any surveillance video might contain footage of the incident. If they do have video of the act then send the footage to local police. Other than that I am sorry to say that it would be nearly impossible to sue Greensboro for the damages to your

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