
Analysis Of Elizabeth Kolbert's Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother

Decent Essays

In the writing of, America’s Top Parent, Elizabeth Kolbert outlines the parenting strategies of different mothers. Most notably, she talks about the “Chinese Mother,” which does not technically mean this individual must be of Chinese descent. Throughout the essay, Kolbert talks about another essay, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. The author of that essay, Amy Chua, believes in a binary world. Meaning that there are two kinds of mothers, “Chinese Mothers”, and “Western” mothers. Chinese mothers believe in extreme parenting, whereas Western mothers “think they are being strict when they insist that their children practice their instruments for half an hour a day” (Kolbert). On the other hand, Chinese mothers have much more specific rules …show more content…

She believes that teaching this way makes the child learn a sense of competition and as well all know, that will get you far in life. Competition makes everyone and everything better. The author makes very valid points throughout the whole essay and even uses someone else’s story to back up their information. The information given during the text is quite significant to the back up the points the author is making. Like stated earlier, using someone else’s story is a good way to make sure the information is correct. Throughout the text, the author will use words that may not seem clear at first, but Kolbert does a respectable job of clearing things up for the reading and making it easier to follow along. Since the author based their essay of the basis of another person’s writing, it is safe to say that the author used and interpreted the information very well. Quotes were used frequently throughout. Kolbert did a lot of wonderful things with the text, however, not many times did you feel the sense of an argument. The sense of just a general summary was felt the whole time. Overall the author did a very nice job gathering this information and giving it back in a way that the audience had a good understanding on where she stood with this issue.
Some of the author’s points make a ton of sense and others not so much. Yes, babying your kid while they are young will only cause trouble later. However, degrading them

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