
Analysis Of Frederick W. Taylor 's Theory, Administrative Principles By Henry Fayol And Mary Parker Follett

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The history of management has been grouped into phases of development. Classical Management was introduced in the beginning of the 201th century. This addresses the organization’s search for efficiency on the basis that people will work for themselves and be economically beneficial. In other words, they work because they are determined by the economic concerns. Workers are expected to accept every opportunity that comes and they must work for it to achieve a personal and financial improvement. All of this has been supported by 3 theories in which the companies still used it today.
In Scientific Management, Frederick W. Taylor developed the techniques for improving efficiency in the workplace through the support given by the employees of its employer. He developed the “Time Study”, where he analyzes every motion to determine the most efficient way for a particular type of job. Through this, he identifies 4 guiding principles to improve the productivity of people at work. Another theory is Administrative Principles by Henry Fayol and Mary Parker Follett. In Fayol’s theory, he emphasizes that the proper management should interact with its employees. He believes that the variety of activities can be taught and worked on to improve managerial skills. By 14 principles of management, he concluded that the company should interact with its employees through its five rules of management: foresight, organization, command, coordination and control. On the other hand, Follett’s theory

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