
Analysis Of Howard Zinn's Historian As Citizen

Decent Essays

The essay “Historian as Citizen” by Howard Zinn presents a call to action for historians everywhere. To start, he analyzes the delicate need for balance that comes with studying history, how historians can use patterns of the past to judge contemporary events, but must not overlook the “universe of tricks” outside that realm. Next, he argues we must also transcend the present and act as if we are freer than logic may suggest. Finally, Zinn delves into the negative aspects of society’s long-established blame game and submits his proposed solution. Through this text, Zinn seeks a drastic shift in focus from antiquity to activism— for historians to stop merely scrutinizing old facts but instead use them as tools with which to examine human nature and build a better tomorrow. The strengths of “Historian as Citizen” lie in Zinn’s practicality. For example, one of the things he advocates for is acting in spite of oppressive …show more content…

He writes,“It is risky to act as if we are free, but (unless one is content with things as they are) it is just as risky to act as if we are bound, and there is even less chance of reward” (Zinn 45). This lays out the options, plain and simple. One can either act and have a chance at improving quality of life, or not act and depend completely on the even more unlikely case of outside intervention. This points out that surrendering to “logic” in the face of weighty obstacles and giving up is in fact illogical. Furthermore, he emphasizes the importance of searching within. Zinn points out, “When the United States defines the Soviet sphere as ‘totalitarian’ and the West as ‘free,’ it becomes difficult for Americans to see totalitarian elements in our society” (Zinn

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