
Analysis Of If Only We Had Taller Been By Ray Bradbury

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In his famous poem “If Only We Had Taller Been”, Ray Bradbury briefly summarizes his strong love for science fiction and space travel: “Short man, Large dream, I send my rockets forth between my ears, hoping an inch of good is worth a pound of years. Aching to hear a voice cry back along the universal Mall: We've reached Alpha Centauri! We're tall, O God, we're tall!” (
The possibility of life beyond Earth is a tantalizing idea long prompting our species to wonder if there are other worlds where life exists. As space technology advances, the chances of finding life on other planets are now greater than ever. With new technologies such as satellites and solar panels, scientists are able to expand their exploration farther into our solar system. In 1995, an astronomer named Michel Mayor together with Didier Queloz discovered 51 Pegasi b. This was truly an incredible discovery that rocked the science community. Pledges b, a wobbling star the size of our sun, was slowly approaching, and according to Mayor’s …show more content…

These chemicals were possibly delivered by large comets and asteroids flying throughout the solar system billions of years ago. Organics, compounds that contain carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen, are very essential in the search of possible life on other planets. The second key ingredient includes a liquid. Like water on Earth, there needs to be a source of liquid that would allow the compounds to mix and interact. Danny Faulkner, Ph.D. says “as the universal solvent, water is absolutely essential for life, making up the majority of the mass of many organisms” ( Finally, the third key ingredient to finding life on other planets is an energy source. A source of energy, like the sun to Earth, powers these chemical reactions to make life

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