
Analysis Of Mary Shelley 's ' Frankenstein '

Decent Essays

Alexi Torres
English III
Dr. W.W. Allman
December 1, 2015
In Mary Shelley’s, Frankenstein, she shows that good people can turn evil, but are not born this way. Humans being rude and isolating someone can make a person go insane and do things they are not proud of. Shelley shows this through the creature that Frankenstein creates and gives examples showing his evilness, but also shows that the creature tries to explain many times that he wants a friend and cannot find one because of his appearance and why he does things that are not of good character through the eyes of human beings.
Throughout the novel, the creature commits many crimes. Towards the beginning, he is not aware of his own strength and does not know what he …show more content…

When the creature notices what he is capable of doing, he begins to enjoy the power he has over regular people, “I gazed on my victim and my heart swelled with exultation,” (Shelley, 144). The creature, at first, does not want to commit crimes or hurt people, he is only looking for friendship, but if he gets upset or someone insults him, he will lose control and will do anything to make them feel the same way, even if that means inflicting physical pain on others. As the story goes on, he begins to realize and know the difference between right and wrong, which can make the readers not feel bad for him because he notices what he is doing and it is considered immoral.
The creature hurts many people throughout this novel, but tries many times to stop it. He tells Frankenstein that he is lonely and wants someone to love. The creature attempts to tell Frankenstein this many times, “I am malicious because I am miserable,” (Shelley, 146). There comes a time in the story when the creature is tired of being alone and always being judged by people, especially his creator, so he decides to stand up for himself and stop trying to please Frankenstein, “You are my creator, but I am your master-obey!” (Shelley, 172). The creature begins to explain his history of feelings and why he

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