
Analysis Of Mary Shelley 's ' Frankenstein '

Decent Essays

Lauren Tripp
Miss Susan Sibbach
Honors English IV
11 December, 2015
The life of the creature In the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley her most evolved character is the creature because of his upbringing and having to learn on his own with no guidance. The creature evolved through his baby stage with no father figure from Victor Frankenstein. To his adolescence stage with the Delacey family who did not accept him. This ultimately led to his destructive stage where he was tired of being alone and being an outcast. The creature wanted to be accepted into society but because of the outer form of his being and the reactions from others caused him to become the monster Victor claimed him to be. In Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein was …show more content…

Victor called him a monster before getting a really look at him and evaluate creature. Even though a lot of time and effort went into his creation, Victor, a frightened human ran in horror from the “monster”. Therefore the creature just being brought into this world, and seeing the first person supposedly his father, his creator run away from him causing him not only scared but confused. Now he was left alone and has no one around to guide him through life. Victor running away from him and not sticking by his creation taught creature to run away as well. The creature had no idea he was a “monster” and he had just been brought into the world and forced to run and be alone. Victor Frankenstein loved the science but in creating something so terrifying, he released a being could not be stopped. Alone with no guidance and forced to learn on his own, the creature sees hope when he finds the DeLacey family. Creature, left by Victor Frankenstein, had no clue what to do, but he learned fast because of his great intelligence. Creature ran into the woods and had to learn many life and survival skills. He knew to try to find shelter to keep out of the cold weather, he slept beside the brook because that was his water supply. Left by homeless people he found out what fire was, amazed wanted to touch it come to find out it burns and he learned not to

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