
Analysis Of Morisons ' Online Retail Platform And The Subsequent Home Delivery Service

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I. Introduction Morrisons has one of the largest chains of supermarkets in the UK. It is the fourth largest retail chain in the country with headquarters in Bradford-England. William Morrison founded the company in 1899, thus giving it the abbreviation Wm. The company had a dominant presence in northern England before 2004. However, the Safeway takeover increased the company’s presence in parts of South East England, Scotland as well as Wales. The company has grown the number of its superstores to over 530, with a further 120 M local stores in Wales, Scotland and England. Morrisons runs an online retail store for its customers and offers home delivery services for groceries around the UK. This report offers an analysis of Morisons’ online …show more content…

In many megastores and supermarkets around the UK, it is common for customers to circle around in search of parking spots before going for shopping. Home delivery services save customers discouraging inconveniences. In fact, before getting to the supermarkets, customers usually have fought their way through the busy traffic, just to come and miss parking space. Home delivery services offered by Morrisons eliminate the need for customers to make long ques at the billing counter during the rush hours of the day. Additionally, shoppers do not have to struggle loading their weekly grocery supplies into their car, especially for customers with limited physical ability such as the elderly, expectant women and the physically challenged. By letting shoppers avoid the heavy traffic to and from the grocery stores, Morrison customers are able to save a lot of time through the home delivery services that the company offers. For many shoppers, time and convenience is just as important as being able to save money when purchasing groceries. People have various tasks that they perform during the day, for example housework, picking up children from school and attending meetings. Therefore, offering a service that saves them from going physically to supermarkets is a big plus for Morrisons customers. Online grocery services provide a rescue for busy parents and couples. Another advantage of online

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