
Analysis Of O Brother, Where Art Thou

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“Recession is when a neighbor loses his job, depression is when you lose your job” Ronald Reagan. Recession is only a temporary decline and depression is a long and extended period of economic failure. There was a crisis in America during the time period the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou? was based on. The Great Depression was occurring at that time and the characters in this movie reflected and showed was it was like to live in a time like that. Each character in the movie symbolized what an individual person would have went through during the Great Depression.
In this paper, I will discuss how the economy went from good to bad and how the characters in O Brother, Where Art Thou? symbolize these things. The characters, …show more content…

Still in their shackles, Everett takes them on this long journey that shows who each of these characters really are and what they represent. And so, goes the story of O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Historical Context
This movie is based on the time period of the 1930’s. The Great Depression was in action during this time period. According to, more than fifteen million Americans were unemployed after the stock market crash of October 29, 1929. President Hoover was in office at the time and didn’t do much to overcome the predicament. Hoover announced that we would need “patience and self-reliance” to overcome this. In 1932 the crime rate in Washington was at its all-time high and parole board had the most applicants it has ever had according to Professor Carl Murchison. Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that unemployment drove people to want to end their lives during the Great Depression. During that time in King county, there was 190 suicides and even more suicide attempts. People felt that the was no escaping this financial struggle and thought the only way out of it was to end their lives. There was also an increase in robberies. People would steal money from their own workplace. People would take money from graves, burry people alive and take their jewelry, you name it. With the economy being at its lowest point, people were taking or getting money wherever they could.
The characters in the movie showed they were living in a time of poverty. Pete’s family

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