
Analysis Of Peter Charles Hoffer 's For Ourselves And Our Posterity

Decent Essays

In Peter Charles Hoffer’s For Ourselves and Our Posterity, he talks about how the preamble to the constitution was such a transcendent idea. Hoffer talks about how the way the preamble was written it has been able to adjust and adapt to the needs of the nation over time. In analyzing this novel Hoffer makes many interesting and compelling arguments in saying that the preamble has been one of the most influential pieces of work in helping develop this country. After reading this book and looking at the civil war, the presidency of FDR, and the presidencies of JFK and Lyndon B. Johnson. I have found that I agree with Hoffer’s opinion. President Abraham Lincoln took the phrases “to form a more perfect union” and “to promote the general welfare “ from the preamble to heart. This is why when the South seceded from the union Lincoln went to war. The south seceding meant that the United State of America was becoming a weaker and a worse union and Lincoln could not allow this to happen. Lincoln also realized that the length and intensity of the war was destroying the people of the union and knew that when this war was over he needed to ensure that it would never happen again, and thus issued the emancipation proclamation. In issuing this proclamation Lincoln ensured that the issue of slavery would no longer be able to divide the country and also took the first step toward promoting the welfare of all the people, regardless of race. Along with the thirteenth amendment the fourteenth

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