
Analysis Of The 1995 Chicago Heat Wave Essay

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Durkheimian Analysis of the 1995 Chicago Heat Wave Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist in the late 1800s and early 1900s who came up with the concepts of social regulation and integration. These concepts have to do with the state of societies and how they work. More specifically, social regulation is the norms created by either formal laws or social pressure. The way people are expected to live and perform their daily tasks or jobs are somewhat decided by social regulation. In its most basic form, it’s what is and isn’t deemed acceptable by societies standards. Social integration on the other hand is the extent to which the group or society matters. This brings up the importance of the individual as opposed to the importance of the society. Strength of social ties within the community are big influences on how socially integrated a society is. These two concepts helped Durkheim better form an understanding for things such as suicide rates. Once understood, these concepts were applied by Durkheim to suicide rates and the reasoning behind why they are the way they are. Before this though, Durkheim checked through many other factors such as mental illness, ethnicity, and climate to see what affected suicide rates. None of these factors correlated with the rate until he tested religion. He realized that different religions had different suicide rates. Methodists and Episcopalians had higher suicide rates while Southern Baptists had lower rates. To find out why he applied

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