
Analysis Of The Article ' Body Ritual Among The Veldt ' By Horace Miner

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The term Anthropology refers to the study of mankind as a whole. In the article “Body Ritual among the Nacirema” by Horace Miner, the introduction of a new cultural perspective crosses the boundaries of today’s societal norms. Horace Miner is mainly known for his studies in mankind, and as an anthropologist he must take into consideration, without preconceived opinions the variety of unique cultures within the human race. The Nacirema is a group living in North America whose culture, through the perspective of Horace Miner showcases human behavior taken to its highest degree. There is a common belief among the people of Nacirema in which it is the human body is prone to weakness and disease; therefore, in becoming the focal point of the …show more content…

Miner emphasizes an obsession of self image in the Nacirema that is very much present in Americans today. There is an infatuation with the maintenance of appearance and health resulting in the human body becoming the dominant focus for the Nacirema’s cultural practices. Americans spend so much time buying items with an aim of improving their “look”. Medications exist for so many illnesses and doctor visits are frequent. All of these tasks are done to improve their image and way of life. Part of the Nacirema culture is a shrine that contains a box or chest full of charms and magical potions. The medicine men are specialized practitioners that initiate these preparations. However, the medicine men only decide what ingredients should be in certain potions and write them down in a secret language. This secret language can only be understood by other medicine men and herbalists who provide the charm. In America, doctors write notes called prescriptions that contain ingredients to medication to treat a specific illness. These prescriptions are illegible to their patients and can only be understood by pharmacists who prepare the medications. There is also an obsession with the mouth and teeth among the people of Nacirema. It is believed that the mouth has a “supernatural influence on all social relationships” (Miner 504). There is a ritual of washing the mouth for children which could improve their morality.

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