
Analysis Of The Book ' Looks At The Coal History Of Her Hometown West Virginia ' Essay

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The citizens in Central Appalachia are amongst the poorest in the country even thought they live in an area that is environmentally diverse and full of natural resources such as coal, timber and agriculture. The author of the book looks at the coal history of her hometown West Virginia and examines the impact of mining and mountain top removal has had on the region. Appalachia’s poverty rate is twice as high as any other region in United States. The regions are primarily country and the people are largely white with majority of the locals having roots that have been tied to the lands for generations. Burns talks about how one of the biggest issues facing the area and the main reason why all the money being made is not going to the people of the land for all these years is coal.
To begin with, large corporations own a lot of the coalfields in Appalachia and majority of these corporations are predominately-based outside of the regions that they mine in and so a lot of the money that they make does not stay in the state or the communities in which the main production takes place. In West Virginia where most of coal production takes place, there is no economic diversification and the only thing that is left is employment in the mining factories, which is becoming less and less. This has caused a lot of people to migrate from the region to other places in search of jobs and a livelihood. Large corporations started gaining interested in the region very early before the locals

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