
Analysis Of The Book ' The London Winter ' Essay

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“Colleen, really? I thought you hated the cold weather,” Rachel laughed as she blew onto her gloved hands, which was difficult due to the scarf wrapped around her throat. “I am half frozen. I am starting to feel like Steve Rogers before they pulled him out of the ice. Can’t we go back to the room?” “We’ll get some mulled wine on the way, come on.” Colleen laughed as she tucked her Ravenclaw scarf around her neck a little tighter. It was true, she hated cold weather, but she wasn’t going to go back to the room when she was once again in her favorite city in the world. She was going to savor every moment that she was in London, even if that meant she was going to get frost bite. “I’m down for wine and some food, if that isn’t too much trouble,” Maison said with a laugh. Being from Wisconsin, the London winter was relatively mild to them. They had also spent a good two hours walking around Camden Market and they had found about two hundred pounds worth of clothes that they wanted to buy. The only reason they hadn’t is they had to figure out a way to get it back on the plane. “Alright, we find a pub and get some food, then we do one more thing before turning in for the night. Come on, this is supposed to be a vacation.” Colleen was far bubblier than either Rachel or Maison had ever seen her.
Colleen and Maison had met in Heathrow the day before, both bleary eyed and sick of being in their respective airplanes for over eight hours. Rachel had meet them at Paddington

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