
Analysis Of The Movie Get Out

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The cinematic film Get Out, directed by Jordan Peele, presents a scenario in which African Americans are targeted by white people mainly for their physical advantages. The plot follows Chris Washington, a professional African American photographer who goes away for the weekend to visit his white girlfriend’s family. Chris’ best friend, Rod Williams, is a TSA agent who is concerned about Chris going to a white family’s estate. Throughout the movie, Chris discusses to Rod the strange events that occur in the Armitage house. Get out displays how two people use their intelligence and ability to identify social cues to escape from an arduous situation. By using his exceptional observational skills, Chris is able to recognize social cues around him. During the Armitage’s family party, he meets many wealthy white people and immediately feels uncomfortable as they express their liberal racism. He heads upstairs and finds that his previously charged phone is now unplugged. Chris calls Rod and explains to him how everyone at the party acts as though “They had never met a black person that doesn’t work for them.” Soon after, Georgina, the maid, approaches Chris to apologize for unplugging his phone. He tells her that it is alright and that “Sometimes if there is too many white people, I get nervous.” Georgina responds to him by repeating the word “no” several times with a single tear running down her cheek and tells Chris, “That is not my experience, not at all.” Chris is able to

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