
Analysis Of The Quarterly Reporting System Of The Past

Decent Essays

Mr. Williams,

You have hired me to build build a case for Suncor to forego the quarterly reporting system of the past. In order to adopt a model that is more suitable for a sustainable business in todays ever evolving energy sector. This executive brief is directed at providing you with the tools, facts and necessary information to convince the board that Suncor must discard shot-term reporting goals, in order to position Suncor for long term sustainable success whilst maintaining Suncor’s vision to deliver economic prosperity, improved social well-being and a healthy environment for today and tomorrow.

To begin Mr. Williams, I would like to start off by addressing the financial benefits of foregoing the short term reporting model. “ The obsession with short-term results by investors, asset management firms, and corporate managers collectively leads to the unintended consequences of destroying long-term value, decreasing market efficiency, reducing investment returns, and impeding efforts to strengthen corporate governance”. The quote above depicts a clear picture that most managers, even Suncor’s managers seem to have engrained in their minds. Short term goals to meet the quarterly demands. However, this mindset is counterintuitive to long term sustainability. No manager, board member, or executive is likely to believe that the day-to-day or even month-to-month fluctuations of the stock market make him richer or poorer. With this information Mr. Williams, we must

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