
Analysis Of The Sweet Hereafter By Mitchelll Stephens

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The Man with a Mission, Mitchell Stephens Sometimes there is a situation that one is dragged in to, such as some type of accident. For example, Mitchell Stephens is one of the narrators in “The Sweet Hereafter” by Russell Banks. In his side of the story, he is a lawyer from New York who heard about a bus accident in Sam Dent where ten children died in a bus crash. Mitchell is also the one lawyer representing Risa Walker and her husband in a negligence suit that financially compensated them for the loss of their son Sean. Mitchell is not only just a lawyer like many others but also had more experience. He sympathizes with the parents who lost their children in the accident because like these parents who lost their children he also has a daughter Zoe, who is he can consider dead due to her drug problem. To this reason, Mitchell Stephen has the most to gain by telling his tale to the reader because he seeks to relieve himself from his grief and to help future children riding to school who do not have to come to the same fate as others in the accident. One reason why Mitchell is trying to gain something by telling his tale is that he trying to help the people who lost their children in the accident. Mitchell might a lawyer but he did not come to San Dent just because there was a good case like the bus accident and he it was good pay, no, not Mitchell, he even said it himself that he did not come for the money as Mitchell said “people immediately assume we’re greedy, that it’s money we’re after, people call us ambulance-chasers and so on, like we’re the proctologists of the profession, and, yes, there is lots of those” ((Banks 90). The reason he came to San Dent was that he was angry because he knows this was not just an accident as he Mitchell said “I knew at once that it wasn’t an ‘accident’ at all. There are no accidents.” (Banks 91). Mitchell wanted to help the people from San Dent by making them as angry as he was. To forget about their grief and Point their anger to the one who is the culprit. Other reason to why Mitchell is the one narrator in “The Sweet Hereafter” that is trying to gain something by telling his tale is because of him a man on a mission. Like many other lawyers heard about the accident

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