
Analysis Of ' Their Eyes Were Watching God ' Essay

Decent Essays

Their Eyes Were Watching God
Character Analysis of Janie Crawford
Zora Neale Hurston’s book Their Eyes Were Watching God, is a novel about one young black woman’s journey to find her own self-worth in an unfriendly world. The story takes place in Eatonville, Florida, from Janie’s youth to adulthood. The author’s intentions was to explain how Janie Crawford after three marriages, finally achieves what she craved all of her life, independence and a strong self-worth. The beginning of the story introduces the reader to Janie Crawford who at an early age left Eatonville to find herself and like she left, came back to her hometown, alone. Although she came back alone, she came back a stronger and wiser proud black woman. Upon her return she tells her story to Phoeby Watson, her best friend. In the beginning of the story to quote, “Janie saw her life like a great tree in life with the things suffered, things enjoyed, things done and undone (pg. 8).” The leaves of the tree represented all the things Janie had done in life and the branches represented all the heartaches that she suffered. One could conclude from this passage that Janie’s life was full of ups and downs, and maybe just a bit hard for her to fathom at times. Janie’s marriage to Logan takes the reader to another level. Throughout her marriage, because she was unlearned of things, Janie had to continually ask about this and that. Janie never loved Logan. She was forced into this marriage by her

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