
Analysis: The Wisdom Of Paid Leave By Martha Burk

Decent Essays

This unit has me thinking a lot about how things have been where I work. My director left her husband shortly after Christmas 2015. Prior to her leaving, the library was a huge part of her life. I now get why. She was in a miserable marriage and the only thing she felt good at was her job. Since she has left him, her priorities have changed dramatically. All of her programs have suffered, our patrons no longer ask for her assistance – since she is hardly there, she snaps at her staff for making decisions without her – again she isn’t there much to ask her prior, she now finds ways to take no responsibility for her part in the decisions she has made. Initially, we made excuses for her, such as "She is finding herself," or "She just needs time to adjust" or "Once things settle down, things will be back to normal around here." Needless to say, we are still waiting and it has been almost 10 months. Her leadership style has completely changed. She used to fight for the library, now it’s someone else’s problem or worse, it’s someone else’s fault. When discussing the programs dropping in attendance she said, …show more content…

article, "The Wisdom of Paid Sick Leave" by Martha Burk, really hit close to home for me. Being a single mother during most of the duration of my children’s childhood, I found myself saying to them, and I said it often, “Don’t get sick,” or “Don’t climb that tree, I can’t afford to miss work to go to the doctor’s or the hospital.” Having jobs to support your children and then to not have adequate sick leave hurts everyone. It hurts, the moms and dads who are single and who are together, but it hurts our children the most. Often kids are sent to school sick, passing the viruses from one child to the next. Passing it to the teachers, other staff and volunteers, who then bring it home and pass it on to their family members. Or they pass it on to other people in the community, like the cashier at the grocery store, librarians, waitresses,

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