
CNS Breath Right Strips

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Analysis of CNS Breath Right Strips Introduction According to the text, Breathe Right Strips were invented by Bruce Johnson, a chronic nasal congestion sufferer. Mr. Johnson Brought his creation to CNS Inc. CNS took the product and primarily marketed it to sports teams, nasal sufferers and night-time snorers. The product really became prominent when Jerry Rice of the San Francisco 49ers wore the product in the Super Bowl. According to, Breathe Right Strips is also available in vapor strips, clear and tan strips, and nasal strips for kids. Some of the other products include nasal spray, throat spray, fiberchoice and a portable vaporizer. Armed with these few, but strong products in 1995 CNS, decided to go global. …show more content…

This can make it more of a need item rather than a luxury item. They could benchmark the product developed by gin miller. They could make the product reusable. This would also attract the people of developing countries who don 't have the disposable income to continue to buy the product. Another way to do this is dumping. They could severely reduce the price of the product initially to create the demand, and then slowly increase the price as the demand rises for the product. They can also create signage to attract buyers in the pharmacies that have the product displayed behind the counters. They can also develop billboards and other advertising that is tailored and messages the local customs and beliefs of the different geographical sectors. They can also give out coupons to attract people that are unaware of the product. They can also opt to do what they have always done, because the product is successful. To take the do-nothing approach is dreadful, because the competition is out there lurking, just waiting for CNS to rest on their laurels. Conclusion The CNS Company is already a successful company due to the achievements of its breathing right strips. In my analysis we learned that they already do a lot of things right. What they need to be aware of is the different economical situations in the global marketplace, there are different ways that the product is approved abroad, and there is competition lurking. CNS needs to continue

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