
Analysis of the Civil Rights March of 1963

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Document Analysis, of the Civil Rights March of 1963 Commencing in the late 19th century, state level governments approved segregation acts, identified as the Jim Crow laws, and assigned limitations on voting requirements that caused the African American population economically and diplomatically helpless (Davis, n.d.). The civil rights movement commenced, intensely and assertively, in the early 1940s when the societal composition of black America took an increasingly urban, popular appeal (Korstad & Lichtenstein, 1988). The 1950s and 1960s was well known for racial conflicts and civil rights protests. The civil rights movement in the United States during the late 1950s and 1960s was based on political and social strives to achieve …show more content…

It was a speech of hope and strength, and it exemplified the idea the protesters declared of racial unity and a belief that blacks and whites could possibly exist mutually in peace (Hansan, n.d.). As stated by, Kensworthy (1963), the crowd at the demonstration, acknowledging that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was concluding his speech, hollered once again and waved their signs and banners. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. conclude saying, "We will not wait for the President, the Justice Department, nor the Congress, but we will take matters into our own hands and create a source of power, outside of any national structure, that could and would assure us a victory” (Kensworthy, 1963, p.16). According to Kensworthy (1963), The March leaders walked from the Lincoln Memorial to the White House who met and spoke with President Kennedy for over an hour. Afterwards, President Kennedy broadcasted a speech praising the marchers for the "deep fervor and the quiet dignity" that had depicted the protest (Kensworthy, 1963, p.1).
At the end of the ceremonies of the march at the Lincoln Memorial, a pledge was said, reciting the pledge the crowd swore to "complete personal commitment to the struggle for jobs and freedom for Americans" and "to carry the message of the march to my friends and neighbors back home and arouse them to an equal commitment and an equal effort” (Kensworthy 1963, p.16).

Stein & Axinn (2012) wrote

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