
Analyzing Steven Pinker's 'The Stuff Of Thought'

Decent Essays

Module 3 Assignment
1. Write at least a one paragraph summary of the entire lecture in your own words (no quotes). It must be obvious after reading your summary that you watched the entire lecture.
In the lecture "The Stuff of Thought," Steven Pinker, a renowned anthropologist talked about different aspects of language. He started out by describing space in language which states how people uses words such as, on, over, under, and so forth instead of right, left, and so forth. Moreover, he states that people uses dimensions and width to describe objects. For example, a line is described as one dimensional object versus a surface that is described as two dimensional space. There are various substances in language such as, countable things, masses, …show more content…

Pinker explains that swearing is used as a weapon in order to create negative emotions for the listeners. Swear words are different across cultures. A taboo word in one country may not be “taboo” in a different country. Pinker provided explanations for people wanting to create negative emotions with each other using swear words (e.g. making a strong point to force the listeners to understand certain things, letting off steam, etc.). He distinguished between various types of swearing styles in the video.
Moreover, Pinker described indirect speech acts and explained how people try to give hints to each other by saying something else instead of directly saying what they want to say. According to Pinker, language is a good way to gain mutual understanding between people whether it is direct or indirect. Relationships are built better when indirect languages are used because indirect language prevents legal issues.
2. Describe how this lecture relates to the information we are studying in Module 3. Please support your arguments with information and citations (APA style) from the readings as well as your own

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