
Analyzing Virtue Ethics

Good Essays

My purpose of this essay is to explain and analyze virtue ethics. According to virtue ethics, in order to live an ethical life, one must possess the right character traits, which are virtues, and as a result, they will have the appropriate moral character. While virtue ethics does have many strengths to it, such as that it places a central role on character, I have to disagree with this theory because it is too difficult to identify which virtues we should acquire. Unlike most ethical theories, virtue ethics understands morality in terms of good and bad character rather than the rightness or wrongness of actions. It tells us not how we should act but how we ought to act. Virtue ethics emphasizes the role of character and virtue rather than …show more content…

One weakness of virtue ethics is that it is not action-guiding. Other theories rely on one rule or principle that offer a clear direction on what to do. As long as someone knows the principles, they can apply them to practical situations. Virtue ethics fails to give any help on how we should behave and lacks focus when it comes to determining actions that are morally acceptable from the ones that need to be avoided. Instead, it focuses more on the qualities an individual needs to improve in order to become a good person. Another problem with virtue ethics is that it is hard to determine what traits are virtues and whether they are so in all circumstances. Virtuous characteristics can be performed even when the actions carried out are unethical. For example, courage is often regarded as a virtue, but can there not be courageous thefts? It seems that a theft could exhibit courage while robbing a store, yet everyone usually agrees that stealing is morally wrong. There are also so many different opinions and perspectives of people that come from diverse cultures and societies. These aspects can lead to differences on what is morally right or wrong for people and make it hard to identify virtues. Are there really any traits that are universal? Finally, virtue ethics can be all about luck. The path to becoming virtue is difficult and many things outside our control can go wrong. The right education, influences, or habits can help someone develop virtue, while the wrong influences can encourage vice. Some people will be lucky and receive the help and encouragement they need, but others will not. Therefore, it is not fair to reward the virtuous and blame the vicious for something they could not

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