
Andrew Jackson Failures

Decent Essays

Andrew Jackson did not further the success in America. Jackson corrupted the government to gain power. He Forced Native Americans to flee their homes. Jackson also created the spoil system to further himself and hurt others. Andrew Jackson is a liar and a cheater.

When Andrew Jackson first became popular politically it was because he lied to the American people about himself. Jackson said he was like every other American which was false because he Was rich. Although he didn’t establish in politics as a rich man, but the first person to do it as apart of the military. He became more well known as he fought in wars.

Jackson’s first order of visit when he got into the White House was to make the government smaller …show more content…

It was a monumental theft. (Document 7)

Jackson tried to destroy the national bank because he thought it only helped out the rich. In regarding the national bank veto Daniel Webster claims “It raises a cry that liberty is in danger, at the very moment when it puts forth claims to powers heretofore unknown and unheard of.... It manifestly seeks to inflame the poor against the rich,”(Document 5). What Webster is saying by this is that he thinks that if we destroy the National bank we will lose all sense of freedom.

The Indian removal act and the trail of tears were the two of the most embarrassing things in American history. And who was the president in charge of these outrageous acts? Andrew Jackson. The first one, the Indian removal act of 1830. “I suggest for your consideration…. setting apart an ample district west of the be guaranteed to the Indian tribes as long as they shall occupy it.... This emigration should be voluntary...(but) if they remain within the limits of the states they must be subject to their laws.” (Document 8). Andrew Jackson is saying in this letter to congress is that he told all of the Native Americans living between the limits must leave or he will use force to kill all of them or force them to leave. “If we are compelled to leave our country, we see nothing but ruin before us. The country west of the Arkansas territory is unknown to us.... The far greater part of that region

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