
Anne Frank Conflicts

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The Diary of a Young Girl written by Anne Frank takes the reader on a journey through the life of a young girl during the ruling of the Nazis. Anne was given a diary on her thirteenth birthday and she documents her day for three years. All through the book, Anne had to face many obstacles which helped her mature while she starts to fall in love with another housemate; this also helps Anne figure out who she is as a person. Anne Frank is: optimistic, funny, and sympathetic, theses are some qualities I look for in a friend. On Tuesday, 29, 1942 Anne writes, “Extraordinary things happen to people in hiding.” (Frank 35) This quote shows us as readers that Anne makes the best out of every situation, and as a friend you need someone who can make …show more content…

The internal conflict is how the Franks and Vandals must stay together in a small attic and tolerate each other. The conflict is man to man, and the conflict is not resolved by the end of the diary. Anne is forced to stay in the attic with seven other people, during this time Anne is during to develop as an adolescent. However, living in such tight corners does not give her the privacy to do so. Anne tries to be serious at the end of the book but nobody takes her seriously so she turns her seriousness into a joke. During Annes last diary entry she writes, “you’re uncharitable, you look peevish, people dislike you” (Frank 267) This shows how Anne starts to become self doubtful and self conscious. Anne doesn't see the good in herself and Anne needs someone to reassure her, but living in an attic with only eight people did not help her in this situation. No one was going to tell Anne she was going to be alright, the only person that made her feel appreciated was Peter. Anne also wrote that the impact of Hitler's anti-jewish laws made her family anxious and fearful. (Frank 3) The ruling of Hitler had a large impact on the jewish community and this is shown in the diary. They had to hide and make sure that they were being as secretive as they could be so nobody would find them. And at the end of the story they were still in the annex and Hitler was …show more content…

On Saturday, 1 May, 1943 Anne realizes that even though she is trapped in the annex, not allowed to go outside or be seen by pedestrians and they only have a small amount of food to eat. And then Anne realizes that she is very luck to be in hiding,while other Jews are in concentration camps being tortured. (Frank ) This shows that Anne is still staying optimistic while her world is being flipped around. She has not forgotten how she is been given such an amazing opportunity to stay safe from the outside world. Friday, 20 November, 1942 Anne know how bad the situation is outside for all of the Jewish community, but she knows that she has to keep everyone happy to avoid her family from becoming a depressing enviorment. (Frank ) This diary entry shows how Anne sees the light at the end of the tunnel and she figures out that her jokes is what keeps the family happy. Anne writes, “I’ve found that there is always some beauty left-in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help. Look at these things, then you find yourself again, and God, and then you regain your balance. And whoever is happy will make others happy too. He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery.” (Frank 152) Anne has realized that she has become a better person while being in the annex, and believes that it is better to be positive than

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