
Anne Moody's Coming of Age in the Mississippi

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At the start of the book a naïve, young and innocent African American girl lived life almost oblivious to the socially constructed issue of race. She did not see the difference of skin color and believed it was perfectly normal to socialize with whites. As far as she was concerned raced did not exist. This view was quickly altered and changed as the little girl named Essie-Mae Moody grew up fast in a society dominated by racial boundaries involving whites, blacks and a hierarchy of people who had parts of both. Essie’s first encounter with race which initiated her first change, from being oblivious to being confused, occurred early in life. When she was young, she was friends with and often played with white children. This all changed …show more content…

This was the worst of my fears.”8 This fear was also given life because she was not aware of what criteria or actions could cause an African American to be killed. She came to the conclusion that being black was enough.9
“I was fifteen years old when I began to hate people. I hated the white men who murdered Emmitt Till and I hated all the other whites who were responsible for countless murders…and those I vaguely remembered from childhood.”10 The section of the book that this quote comes from shows an attitude toward race that Essie-Mae retains for a significant amount of time. Her feelings were characterized by anger. As the story progresses it comes to be known that Essie does not solely blame the whites. She considered the black community just as guilty for allowing the atrocities to occur. At this point in time Essie-Mae showed that she did not blame just one side of the racial spectrum; she blamed everyone for their part in contributing to the problem.11 Her anger eventually transformed into hatred as more atrocities occurred that involved the killings of African Americans. The major event that caused Essie-Mae Moody to hate was the murder of Samuel O’Quinn. This murder was the straw that broke the camel’s back in relation to Essie’s shift to saying she hated whites. His death reminded her of all the other killings she had buried away inside of her that were waiting to explode. She was even more angry that she wanted to take direct action against what was

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