
Annotated Bibliography

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Smartphones: An Annotated Bibliography Felecia. “The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Smartphones.” Technobezz, Technobezz, 29 May 2017, This webpage describes advantages and disadvantages of smartphones. For advantages, there are “Privacy, Keep In Touch Easily, Easey Access To Your Mail, Social Media Networks, Finish Many Tasks Easier, GPS, Entertainment, and Find Something To Do”(Felecia). For disadvantages, there are “Privacy Endangered, Distraction, Health Issues, and addiction”(Felecia). For each terms, the authors gives explanation briefly. Krumins, Carl. “The Evolution Of The Smartphone [Infographic].” The Hub, …show more content…

How Do Cell Phones Affect Health? ReferencePoint Press, 2015. Netzley describes how do cell phones can cause serious problems such as car accidents. According to the book, “cell phone users between ages of sixteen and nineteen are responsible for more than 20 percent of fatal car crashes in the United States”(Netzley 24). He explained why that happens and how do cell phones impact people while driving. Sandee LaMotte, CNN. "Smartphone Addiction Could Be Changing Your Brain." CNN …show more content…

EBSCOhost,,custuid&custid=s8455861&db=n5h&AN=BAQ41512067764&site=ehost-live&scope=site. This article is about smartphone addiction which can affect our brains. Smartphone addiction is a serious problem and the addiction rate is increasing each year. The researchers from Korea University in Seoul did the experiment with teenagers and said addicted teenagers are in poor attention and control, “the brains of the addicted boys had significantly higher levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter in the cortex that inhibits neurons, than levels of glutamate-glutamine, a neurotransmitter that energizes brain signals”(Sandee LaMotte, CNN). This article also explains that smartphone addict can negatively affect relationships with friends and families and also said that addiction might led to serious health problems. "Smartphones Cause Depression." Pakistan Observer, 03 June 2016. EBSCOhost,

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