
Annotated Bibliography : Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Forget The Myth! (n.d.). Retrieved October 30, 2017, from
There is not an author. Since there is no author i can not answer this question. I can tell that this source is well written and ready to argue the position against the issue because they have a lot of good information about the argumentative issue. This source is found on a website that is called Shark Online. The intended readers are more for the rodeo people. The people that think rodeo is and isn’t abuse. The position being argued here is that rodeo is abusive to the animals because they claim that when people are doing the events that they hurt the animal. For example, they say that when cowboys are calf roping or doing break away the are saying that they rope tightens and stays tighten. That is not true what so ever, yes the rope tightens for a couple seconds then it releases then the calf is let go. The rope is not tight enough where the calf can’t breathe.

The writer's stance is that animals are abused in the rodeo. Compared to what my other sources say i have both arguments for this topic. This writer has probably experienced a rodeo before and seen what happens during it. The first thing that probably came to their head is there hurting the animals and then they made a article about how it is abusive. This source is not a reliable or an accurate source at all. This website has used pathos. All they did was put fake stuff up on the website and put pictures and videos up that make rodeo look horrible when it really not.

This article will allow me to argue against their belief that rodeo animals are abused because their information is incorrect and exaggerated.

Jennifer Ryan | Mar 05, 2013. (2013, June 17). Rodeos Put Animal Care Front & Center. Retrieved October 30, 2017, from
Jennifer Ryan is the author of this article. This writer's source of authority on this topic is this author is journalist so she researches before writing about it. I know that this writer is well prepared and and ready to argue the issue because she has good information

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