
Annotated Bibliography On Family Therapy

Decent Essays

The purpose of this paper is to prepare an annotated bibliography on family therapy with emphasis on ethnicity and sociocultural influences on the problems of communication. This research includes twelve resources on authors with the following annotations: Delineation of the main focus or purpose of each author 's work; Background and credibility of each author; Intended audience for the work; Any unique feature of the work; Theoretical understandings; Family therapy strategies or techniques; and a Conclusion or observations presented in the work. Communication in cultural diversity is one very important issue that families, couples, singles, Christian counselors, and therapists might encounter in their scope of …show more content…

To conclude my review from “Christian Counseling Third Edition: A Comprehensive Guide” by Gary Collins, PH. D., as an excellent practical manual for professional in practice. The Biblical principles are nondenominational and can also be introduced to the needs of others in multicultural environment. The information is reliable for both the young and the matured. The purpose of the book titled, The Family: A Christian Perspective on the
Contemporary Home, by Jack O. Balswick and Judith K. Balswick comprise of various approaches in biblical, theological, cultural, and sociological perspectives. The author focus is strictly to “integrated view of contemporary family life based on current social-science research, clinical insights, and biblical truth. The background of the author’s work is from a previous edition upgraded with current changes in our “modern society including a section on marriage, mate selection, cohabitation, expansion of family life, parenting, rearing children, adolescent, challenges of the later-life premarital cohabitation, recognition of the importance of biosocial influence, and the interactive effect of bio-psycho-socio-cultural factors to understand family dynamics. The audience of this book are for families and marriage in conflict, every life stage, maintaining balance through the joys, pains, ups, and downs,

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