
Ontological Argument: Defining The True Meaning Of God

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I was exposed to religion as a child but it didn’t really truly connect with me at first. I have grown up catholic because that is the way my family preaches. I was taught to know to always go to church on Sunday’s and holy days of obligation, if you sin deeply you need to go to confess and the list goes on. Although, as I got older I began the true meaning of God being the greatest being and I started to have my very own religious experiences which raised a lot of questions in me. This now brings me to the argument that I’m going to talk about, The ontological argument.
In the bible, it says that “Fools say in their hearts, "There is no God” (Psalms 14:1). Anselm's reflection to this has become known as the Ontological Argument. Anselm defines God by saying God is that “which nothing greater can be conceived.” One way to interpret this phrase is to define “God” as maximal perfection, i.e. the greatest possible being. Anselm justifies his argument by using the idea of a painter. When a painter first knows of what it is he or she wants to accomplish, they have it in their understanding but does not yet understand it to exist. They don’t understand it to exist because they have yet to construct their painting. He is trying to say that there is a difference between saying that something actually exists in my mind and saying that I believe that something actually exists. when you hear the word square, you picture a square, or when you hear the word circle, you picture a circle. Anselm argued when humans hear the word God, they think Supreme Being. When I hear the word “God,” I recognize a God that I know from my personal experiences, but I also know that this God of mine is also working through the lives of everyone, not just mine. He has an intimate oneness with all of us, even if we don’t recognize or know it. I don’t think the God I know of is worried about whether people are religious or not. I think this God is interested in exploring experience, through us.
What I found in the literature was that, so-called spiritual experiences are part of every culture and have shaped spiritual and religious traditions. It is clear to me that “I” am not the physical body, but “I/God” is a consciousness in eternity,

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