
Anthem Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

Om Desai
Mrs. Thixton
English1 PAP
Can Love Affect a Person’s Convictions? The story of Anthem takes place in dystopian future in which freedom and human rights have been obliterated. Equality 7-2521, the protagonist, is a street sweeper who finds a tunnel where he conducts his science experiments which are considered a sin. Throughout the book we see him change and discover how capable he is through a multitude of literary devices. In the novella , Anthem, Ayn Rand utilizes vivid imagery and a profusion of diction to frenetically emphasize the idea of love. To begin with, Ayn Rand utilizes imagery to attract the reader to show what love really means.Equality 7-2521 is genuinely awed by Liberty 5-3000's physiognomy because he remarks “[her] body was straight and thin as a blade of iron. [her] eyes were dark … with no fear in them, no kindness and no guilt. [her] hair was golden as the sun; [her] hair flew in the wind, shining and wild, as if it defied men to restrain it”(Rand,23-24). The Golden One is defined with very precise word choice, because she’s unlike anyone else he had ever seen.The mode is settled because he seems to really be attracted to the absence of fear and guilt he sees in her eyes.Equality 7-2521's introductory incident of love is exquisite as ”[he] stood still; for the first time did [he] know fear, and then pain…[he] stood still as [he] might...spill this pain more precious than pleasure “(Rand,24) although he is experiencing immense levels of pain, the love he feels is far greater than he had ever felt. It's also astounding that this is the first time Equality confesses he is afraid of something.This sets the tone of the book because he doesn’t mind the pain because the thrill of being there is all he can ponder about.Soon they get closer to each other and, ”When [he] touched [her], it was as if madness had stricken [them]…[they] pressed [their] lips [together]... and then [her] arms closed around [his]”(Rand). Equality eventually runs away from the city to the Uncharted Forest because the society doesn’t accept his ideas and The Golden One follows him. Both of them end up in the Uncharted Forest and then engaged in a passionate show of love described by

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