
Antigone Tragic Hero

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Tragic heroes or heroines are characters with a sad and tragic past, and a future that usually involves a horrible and pointless death. In the play Antigone, written by Sophocles in 441 B.C. The main character Antigone, has all the qualification of a tragic heroine. However Antigone’s action do not prove her to be a heroine. The play, Antigone, is about two brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices who died by the hands of each other. The king Creon, the uncle of the two allows for Eteocles to be buried but forbids anyone from burying the second brother, Polyneices. The main character Antigone, defies this law and proceeds to bury her brother anyways. She is caught and sentenced to death, and because of her the wife and son of the King also die. If

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