
Ap World History Chapter 4 Summary

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AP World History Summer Assignment Chapter 4

A. Geography played a big role in determining the political units and economic institutions of Mediterranean society. The mountains interspersed throughout the Greek peninsula led to regionalism in the form of city-states. This was a departure from the centralized government of China. The fact that civilization developed along a peninsula also shaped Mediterranean culture. The ocean provided some protection from invaders and allowed for the advancement of trade.

B. Politics were central to Mediterranean societies; Greece and Rome were known for being political powerhouses. In Athens, the main system of government was direct democracy, where decisions were made based on the popular vote of the people. …show more content…

The cultures of Rome and Greece celebrated philosophical and religious thinking in various forms. The Greek and Roman religions were polytheistic and included Gods that created natural phenomena. Both religions had a God of Gods who possessed ultimate power and ruled over various capricious Gods. They both included Gods of the hunt, metalworking, war, nature, the ocean and many other human activities and forces of nature. Many Greco-Roman aristocrats searched for meaning outside of religion with philosophy. Thinkers such as Aristotle and Cicero believed strongly in balance and modesty. The Stoics stressed discipline and bravery while Socrates encouraged thinking independently.

F. The Greek interest in philosophy led to asking questions about the world and therefore intellectual discoveries. Mathematic contributions included the works of Pythagoras and Euclid. Greek science however did not make as much advancement. Roman scholars contributed political theory. Romans also contributed their engineering and architecture, which is still iconic today. They managed to create buildings that were incredibly structurally sound. Art and literature was also a large part of Mediterranean culture. Artistic contributions account for much of what has been preserved from Greco-Roman

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