
Ap World History Dbq Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution was a positive time in history. Throughout this time period because or three main reasons innovation; they invented many things we use today and things that changed how we lived. Second, the growth in population this incorporated for families to make more money and companies to rise up. Finally, the revolution made the standard of life so much better. People were able to travel and live in comfort
Thanks to the Industrial Revolution life was made easier for generations in the future, the revolution made inventions such as the Steam Engine, Cotton Gin, Telegraph, and the Sewing Machine; all the begging of products we use all the time in the 21st century. In Document 5: The Working man's Companion it states “conveniences …show more content…

This population boom led to not only the increased of the products but products being bought. Before this boom the quality of life was low and around 75% of kids under the age of 5 died, thanks for the growth in population that number lowered down to 30%. According to Document 15: “The Factory system led to a rise in the general standard of living, to rapidly falling urban death rates and decreasing infant mortality---and produced an unprecedented population explosion.” (15). Furthermore the overall impact of this boom gave families a source of income as children could work for the well being of the family. With the growth of population products began to be mass produced therefore making them cheaper and more accessible. A main concern in during the Industrial Revolution was bad working conditions and child labor which may have been a impact in some factories but in document 3 it states “...children would thrive better when employed in our modern factories, than if at home in apartments too often ill-aired, damp, and cold. (3). Decisively it is clear that the Industrial Revolution not only contributed to the growth in population but the growth in families, companies, and the overall well being of people. On the other side working conditions were not always the best. In both Document 11: The Conditions of the Working Class in England and Document 7: Picture of Outdoor Factory Environment. They both show how disease could be spread and how roads and the safety of factories could cause injury to workers; however this was only some factories and as the factories grew so did the necessity for safety and that danger soon turned into a safe working

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