
Appalachia's Social Problems

Decent Essays

Appalachia has been associated with numerous social problems that has cast a negative light onto the region. When most people think about Appalachia’s socioeconomic stature they immediately assume poor and uneducated, with the lack of economy in the region comes a lack of education and many other negative connotations. Without a sound and sturdy socioeconomic background, the citizens of Appalachia are the ones that suffer. The effects of poverty resonate way beyond the surface of Appalachia’s basic social problems and can be seen throughout the entire region. All of Appalachia’s social problems can be tied back to its economic standing, the lack of education and poor healthcare are two major problems that are commonly associated with the Appalachian region. With the region in such economic despair the citizens suffer from a lack of education and a subpar healthcare system that …show more content…

When some people think about the Appalachian region they may think about drug addiction, obesity, excessive tobacco use, and maybe even a coal miner’s black lung. The Appalachian region is commonly associated with poor health and a poor healthcare because there is a lack of affordable healthcare that is available for a majority of Appalachian citizens. Healthcare is expensive and because of the expenses many people find it hard to afford even the most basic healthcare such as normal checkups and even dental care. Many people in Appalachia have Medicaid, which is government provided insurance. Medicaid is used by many people so that some forms of healthcare are free or more affordable. However, a lot of Appalachia’s health issues are preventable, these preventable issues include tobacco related illnesses and in some cases obesity. These are the two major contributing factors to heart disease and strokes, both are potentially lethal, and are considered preventable death

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