
Apple : A Competitive Market

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In a competitive industry there is a wide range of aspects that help determine what companies succeed and fail. Over time different companies grow and develop competitive relationships that encourage refining of their companies in order to stay relevant in a competitive market. Apple is a prime example of a company that is in a competitive market has had many innovations since its creation to help it stand out from other companies in the computer technology industry. Apple is one of the leading computer manufacturing companies and has been known for innovations in both technology and aesthetically pleasing products. Apple more well-known devices include the I-Phone which revolutionized the mobile phone industry, and the I-Mac Laptops and home computers which have been found huge success and are popular among a variety of age groups and demographics. In the mobile phone industry apples main competitors would be Google who are the creators of the Android operating system which is used by a majority of non-Apple phones. As for the computer industry, Apples main competitors consist of Microsoft who had created the Windows operating system which is used and pre-installed on a large portion of competitor computers, this includes companies like Lenovo, Dell, Hewlett Packard, and Acer. Since the 1970’s Apple computers has made a large impact on the computer industry and has revolutionized what it means to be a computer company. Beginning as a project between Steve Jobs and

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