
Apush Dbq

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The antebellum era began after the revolutionary war and progressed throughout the nineteenth century. During this time, America was their own independent country for the first time. This meant that political leaders would have to experiment with different policies and strategies to determine the best way to run this country. Thomas Jefferson demonstrated this in his presidency dealing with foreign affairs. He believed in a peaceful solution rather than war when it came to disagreements. At this time, America’s trading partner, Britain, and ally, France, were at war with each other and trying to pull America into it. There were many policies that were established by all three countries, however, the Embargo Act of 1807 was the most impactful. …show more content…

As westward expansion progressed, more American citizens ran into previous Native American land. This lead to Native American attacks and citizens mistreating the natives. The president at the time, Andrew Jackson, had to free up this land by moving the Native Americans, but the way Jackson did this the wrong way. He saw the Natives as a problem and decided to resolve it by either assimilation, creating treaties, or relocating them. These all seem like peaceful ways of dealing with this situation, however, Jackson did this in an aggressive manner and it ultimately leads to fights and relocation in horrid conditions This may have been beneficial for the American citizens, however, it greatly negatively affected the Native American people and culture. By learning about the way Jackson treated these natives, it has shaped this nation into being more understanding of cultures other than our own and treating these cultures with respect. By learning about how Jefferson and Jackson dealt with these situations, it shows how being too peaceful and too harsh can lead to bad results. Finding a good middle ground is the best …show more content…

For one, trading within the country was difficult, restricted, expensive, and long. This lead to the federal government investing in more transportation that includes canals, railroad tracks, and roads. During this time, the sudden increase in trading greatly helped the American economy. This time period was known as the market revolution. The new transportation and boom in the economy also changed in the way people worked. Before, many individuals worked on family farms, making most of their necessities. Now, they can work in urban areas at factories and buy their necessities. (look at family’s portion) There was also a lot of inventions that also really helped with the economy. In the Northwest, the mechanical reaper became a huge asset in saving farmers time and labor. The transportation and market revolution also greatly impacted the south due to the cotton production. It also increased the use of slaves due to them saving money. Even though there seem to be many positives, these revolutions ultimately lead to the Panic of 1819. During the market revolution, there were many individuals that wanted to move westwards and buy land, however, they could not afford it at the time. When the economy came to a halt in 1819 due to Europe buying less US goods, many citizens were unable to pay off their loans. This lead to

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