
Apush Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

I. War between Britain and the United States (US) was inevitable.
A. The British had stopped US trade with France by blockading ships.
B. The British searched US ships for British deserters.
C. Americans wanted to expand north, across the Great Lakes, and west. They thought Canadians wanted to live under the American flag.
D. John Jay travelled from Washington, D.C. to Britain to be a mediator.
1. He set out Jay’s Treaty and it was signed in 1794.
a. The British agreed to live up to the Peace of Paris Treaty by removing troops from the US in two years.
b. The Great Lakes would be open to ships from both nations.
c. There would be free movement of goods across the border.
2. This treaty kept the peace for eighteen years.
E. The War Hawks …show more content…

The Maritime Provinces were safe from American attack for two reasons:
1. The British Royal navy’s power.
2. The Upper Thirteen Colonies did not want to go to war. New England was bitterly opposed to “Pres. Madison’s War.”
B. Lower Canada was safe because:
1. French Canadians had no intention of helping the US.
2. The French fought along side the British.

III. The General for the British troops was General Isaac Brock. He wanted a quick victory.
A. He knew odds favoured the US because the population in the US was ten times larger than BNA.
B. He said Great Britain is fighting for the survival in Europe so they will not send any more troops to help in BNA.

IV. The Battle of Fort Detroit
A. After capturing Fort Mackinac on Michilimackinac Island in Lake Huron in July of 1812, General Brock got the Natives around the Great Lakes and their leader Tecumseh to fight for the British.
B. They sailed to Fort Detroit and demanded that the American General Hull surrender.
C. Tecumseh made his small force look bigger by lighting large numbers of fires and lining troops in strategic formations.
D. General Hull quickly surrendered with no gunfire after Brock fooled him. The British gained 39 cannons and 2,500 muskets along with a stronghold in the Northwest

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