
Apush Dbq Research Paper

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Economically: Economically “In 1763, the average Englishmen paid 26 times as much in taxes each year as the average American colonist paid.” (Shi, Tindall, 120) These taxes were raised because of the war. This money that was coming from the British citizens and was going to “maintaining and defending” (Shi, Tindall, 34) the colonies, and because of this “British leaders thought it [was] only fair that the Americans should pay more.” (Shi, Tindall, 120) So, after all the complaining the Britain’s did British leaders tried to enforce many different taxation “acts” that would lessen the taxes on Britains and raise taxes on colonists. These acts such as the Stamp Act, the Currency Act, and the Sugar Act all ended up falling because the Americans revolted and boycotted the Britain’s in many ways such as, “Thousands signed nonimportation …show more content…

Rebellions were occurring all over the place. One major difference between the American rebels and the British enforcers was Britain at this time was far more advanced and had many more militarized items, unlike the Americans. The Americans (Patriots) “lacked training, discipline, cannons, muskets, bullets, gunpowder, and blankets.” (Shi, Tindall, 135) Not only did the Patriots lack most stuff needed for fighting, but “they [didn’t] even have a name for their ragtag army.” (Shi, Tindall, 135) The disadvantages the Patriots had didn’t stop them from fighting for what they believed in, they had “a growing sense of confidence and [a sense of] resolve” as well. This confidence in the colonies created a “fever” otherwise called war fever. This fever not only gave fuel to the fire but also mass hysteria causing more and more groups of rebels to pop up. Due to the taxes that Britain has trying to enforce on the American colonists. America has begun to move farther and farther away from Britain. King George also “On August 22, he declared the American rebels ‘open and avowed

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