
Aquinas Cosmological Argument For The Existence Of God

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In Summa Theologiae, Aquinas answers the question of whether God exists by stating that there are features in the world that offer proof in favour of God’s existence. In what follows I will suggest that even if we were to accept Aquinas’ cosmological argument, the ambiguous use of the term God is not an adequate justification of his reasoning. In addition, I will touch on the significance of the interaction between the objection and big idea of God in raising philosophical problems.
The idea of God carries implications of eternal life and is inarguably a big idea in the highest accord. Though Aquinas does not specifically make the connection between God and afterlife; the two seem to go hand in hand. The distinction between an idea and a …show more content…

It cannot be refuted that philosophers have struggled with and tried the existence of God, not for years- but centuries. However the idea of God is yet to be exhausted.
Aquinas makes the claim that God exists and specifies that the existence of God can be proven in five ways based on features of the world. The argument he makes is cosmological meaning it deduces God is real from facts or processes within the universe. Aquinas first draws on facts about motion stating that things are in motion and always changing. “Now whatever is in motion is put in motion by another.” A thing is either hot or potentially hot –nothing can be made hot by itself therefore if a thing can become warmer, it was changed by something that is actually hot. “It is therefore impossible that . . . a thing should be both mover and moved, i.e. that it should move itself” . What’s in motion –what’s changing –was vulnerable to and put in motion by something else. This cannot go on infinitely, one has to stop and when they do they will land on the first mover. This unmovable-mover can be understood as God. The second proof is from the nature of causation. It does not make sense for something to exist before it starts existing –nothing is the

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