
Araby Compare And Contrast

Decent Essays

each of these stories, the writer(s) had wonderful settings that brightened the story that was told. Each of the writer(s) did a wonderful job in expressing the setting and dramatic purpose. As a reader, there should be an understanding that each story is different, and unique in its own way. It is always good to except the differences in a writer. Although each author had their way of letting the narrator express and shine throughout the stories I chose. Each Narrator reached a new level in life. In “Araby” by James Joyce, the setting seems to take place as the writers describes a dead end street. I think the setting started because, he always thought of Magan’s sister and his feelings for her. The young boy had a crush on her, as he would imagine her leaving the house so he could pass by her. Also, the narrator of the story seemed as though he was a spiritual person. He is so blinded by his visons that he assumes everything around him is Holy Grail. As he visions himself highly religious, he is blinded into thinking the closeness of Magan’s sister is a spiritual relationship between him and her. “He …show more content…

Both stories expressed, a boy to a man concept. The narrators in both short stories were both young men who needed to mature. In Araby, by James Joyce the narrator responded to a new situation by actually putting himself in the situation first. What I like about the story is that the young boy had hopes and dreams about things he desired to have or accomplish. The young boy was delusional about his surroundings, he thought so deeply about the things he assumed were happening that it became reality for him. The trick was it wasn’t really his reality, the reality was he was just the same boy who realized he was still in church. He realized how immature he was, which pushed him toward being a man. When he wasn’t blinded by his dreams that’s when the narrator reached his new

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