
Are Humans Selfish Or Selfless

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Philosophers have debated for centuries the question “Are humans are selfish or selfless?” There are two main arguments for debating human nature, ethical egoists and ethical altruists. Ethical egoists believe that “even though we can act in others’ interests because we are concerned for others, we ought always to act in our own interest” (Solomon et al 2012 p. 460). Ethical altruists believe quite the opposite; ethical altruism is the belief that “people ought to act with each other’s interests in mind” (Solomon et al 2012 p. 461). In discussing the four theories, psychological egoism, psychological altruism, ethical egoism, and ethical altruism, with my husband, there was not a clear dividing line for whether humans are selfish or selfless in nature. After much debate, we concluded that humans are born ethical egoists; however, ethical altruists are made through proper training, care, and nurture. Ethical egoists are considered by society to be selfish. When one displays selfish characteristics, they put their needs and wants before the needs or wants of other people. After discussing the reading “Human Nature is Evil” by Xunzi, we did not agree with his argument that human nature is evil; babies are born innocence without hate or prejudice. However, his argument that “goodness is acquired” resonates with the belief that humans are born selfish. Though babies are not born hating others based on ideals or skin color, young children are egocentric. Jean

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