
Are Non-Monetary Rewards in the Workplace Beneficial

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Are Non-monetary Rewards in the Workplace Beneficial?
Many high performance companies understand the importance of offering awards and incentives that recognize, validate, and value outstanding work. They help keep the employees motivated and productive, and are effective methods of reinforcing company expectations and goals. When the management of a department gets together to put an incentive program into place, they have to decide which awards are worth the effort. They also have to consider the perceived value of earning the award, as well as the effort that is required to earn it. Management and employees may perceive non-monetary incentives to be more valuable than the retail value of the award in cash. Non-monetary rewards in …show more content…

According to research performed by Allen and Helms (2002), they confirmed the importance of regular expressions of appreciation by managers and leaders to encourage behavior of employees to reach strategic goals. Developmental opportunities, such as being assigned to special projects, can also be a powerful form of non-monetary recognition. Being chosen to accomplish a company initiative is motivating. It helps employees gain new skills and experiences, demonstrates trust in their abilities, and adds variety to an individuals work.
Successful Recognition Janet Wiscombe (2002), an associate editor of Workforce, stated that compensation is a right and recognition is a gift. To successfully recognize employees, emphasize on the success instead of dwelling on the things that went wrong. Deliver recognition and reward openly and publicly. Give recognition in a personal and honest manner. Tailor the recognition and reward to the unique needs of the people involved. Timing is crucial, so contribution should be recognized throughout a project. Reward contribution close to the time when an achievement is realized, since delays can weaken the impact. Strive for a clear, unambiguous, and well-communicated connection between accomplishment and reward. Make sure people understand why they received an award and what criteria were used to determine it. Also, recognize recognition by recognizing the people who recognize others for excellence. Non-monetary

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