
Argument for Capital Punishment Essay

Decent Essays

Argument for Capital Punishment

If it were up to me, every murderer in this country would be put behind bars on death row and have their life taken from them just as they took the life of another. The guidelines of " an eye for an eye" go back thousands of years. Many countries still hold true to these guidelines. Although America doesn't follow the same as these countries, I believe when it comes to murder, they should. Putting people to death for committing murder makes other potential murderers think twice about killing someone. Capital punishment deters many murders every day. If all that had to be done was spend life in jail, getting free meals, having a roof over their head, and place to sleep at night, then killing …show more content…

We have to step up and show we mean business, and that we intend to rid our country of murderers. Another thing the anti capital punishment people say is that we should value all human life. My faith in God tells me that human life isn't just a functioning body, and we have spirits given to us by him. Our spirits define who and what we are, and having this means we have love for other humans beings. Murderers don't have this spiritual aspect of human life, so therefore if they don't have it in the first place, it can not be taken away. Some people appose the death penalty because they believe it cost more to kill the person than to keep them in prison for life. If you put any thought into this at all, you will see that it is entirely wrong. If you put someone in jail for life, you have to feed them every single day, keep them sheltered, and take up the space in the jails. If you put someone to death, you don't have to worry about any of that. The cost of executions is far less than life in jail. Death penalty cases have alot of appeals, that cost alot of money, but life without parole cases have just about the same amount of appeals and cost just the same. When it comes down to it, putting the murderers in our country to death saves money, time, and space in our jails. Others say that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. However in most states, the person convicted has a choice between the electric chair or lethal injection. When a person is

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