
Argumentative Essay # 1

Decent Essays

BRUNSWICK, OH- The ball glides down the alley striking the top pin causing them all to ripple down. Brunswick’s bowling team's season is coming to an end and for the seniors their jersey’s put to retirement. Some seniors will continue to play in college but for most their final game is almost here. Megan Zipp, 12, talks about all the expectations she had for senior year and why they were all reached. Zipp said, “knowing I was going to be bowling a lot more this season and having been on the team for four years I have worked up my spot for being number one.” Just like any other sport Zipp has a ritual she does before every game, “I go to my grandpa all the time and he talks me up on having a good game.” Zipp has been bowling for four years and is number one on the team, she even hopes to take her experiences to college as well. Zipp said, “I’m going to take my average from my freshmen year and my senior year and take it into consideration into college.” This year all of the seniors are putting the most they have into the rest of their season, and some are also going to …show more content…

Vetrovsky talks about how he prepares for games, “well I mean I go up and practice and try and work on different things that may improve my game for the upcoming match.” Traveling all over Ohio, the bowling team has had two tournaments in Dayton and Mentor while also traveling to Columbus too. Vetrovsky talks about where his favorite place to travel was, he said, “our match against Mentor at there place. We needed to beat them so they would not get ahead of us in conference standings. It came down to the last baker game and I needed to throw at least the first two strikes in the tenth frame to win and I did, I ended up throwing all three. That match made me really try hard and give everything I had. It was a good motivation individually, but was also a great team win.” Vetosky will continue to play in college in a club

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