
Argumentative Essay: Does God Exist?

Decent Essays

Perhaps the most important question in life someone can ask there self’s is, whether or not god exists. From the video “Does god exist” Quentin Smith, a graduate of Western Michigan University says, “All the galaxies were once compacted together, and the big bang theory is when all the matter in the galaxies just blew apart. And the mystery, according to science laws, is there can be no cause of this initial explosion.” Although there can be countless allegations someone can make to refute this known fact, I believe, through my experiences, that this is true. Thus, leading me to believe there is an unimaginable force that contains space that must have been able to expand our universe into what we see today. “God is at liberty to create, whatever state of the …show more content…

Keith ward, a graduate of Oxford University, describes in the video “Can we know God through experience?” that when people decide to get into a relationship with god, it is a culture based practice. He goes on to say “So what they feel is being disclosed is very relative to the culture they’re in.” ‘According to the Oklevueha EarthWalks proclamation, ceremonies are conducted as a means of connecting people with their creator, “developing an appreciation for all things on this earth, and all our relations,” and to “facilitate change in [people’s] lives.” During these ceremonies, church members say, people with troubled and tortured pasts often become emotional and confessional, digging difficult memories from the place where they may lie latent within, then bringing them to light in an attempt to resolve and get beyond them.’ (Article by Jared W. Blackley.2001) In my opinion, that is what Mooney is trying to convey to the courts. He doesn’t want the court to see this as a drug, but a way to experience what it means to be

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