
Argumentative Essay On Body Image

Decent Essays

Body image is a person's perception of the aesthetics or sexual attractiveness of their own body. For the longest time, people have been worrying about the way they look, it's a feeling or occupation we were all born with. Whether it's male or female both genders have insecurities about themselves. Along with the fears of oneself, people also have to worry about the opinions of others. Today's society is all about the media and lately, people have been feeling really brave and aren't scared to tell people their opinions. You would think that women would be supporting each other and complementing one another, but instead they body shame each other and unfortunately, it's the same thing with men. Having this said what problems do men and women face throughout their life because due to body image issues? Self-esteem plays a big part of body image. People have to feel good about themselves and be comfortable in their own skin to be happy. In today's world, it feels almost impossible to be happy, this generation is all about the media which makes having self-esteem 10x harder. Millions of pictures are posted of expectations of how women should look. In an article written by Pavica Sheldon, she states that ”The average American woman is 5’4 and 140 pounds, whereas the average female model portrayed in the media is 5’11 and 120 pounds”. Women are placed into a box telling them they have to look a certain way and if they don't they're simply not good enough. Besides being put into a category women numerously get called nasty names like slut or whore if they show too much. Piggy and fatty if they're overweight. Or “stick” if she's too skinny. Nothing is ever good enough is what it feels like. For example, Kylie Jenner, if you grew up watching “Keeping up with the Kardashians” you know how she looked before all the plastic surgery she got done, she now looks completely different. An account wrote, “What are they giving Kylie?” and someone quoted the tweet and said plastic. So even if women try to fix their imperfections they still get shamed down for it by calling them fake.
When you think of body image and dieting you normally think of girls but boys have the same problem too. According to “Body Image for Boys”

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