
Argumentative Essay On Global Warming

Decent Essays

Global warming, we see it as sad polar bears hopelessly swimming for their lives in the ocean. It's shown as rising sea levels that can washout entire cities. It even sometimes gets turned into politics but scientifically, what is the definition of global warming? It is the heating up the of Earth, caused by infrared radiation that gets stuck in our atmosphere because of the increase of CO2 put into the atmosphere. Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation that cannot be seen by the human eye, but we feel it as heat. Seems pretty logical doesn't it? To some it doesn't seem as reasonable. Some believe global warming isn't a man made problem, but just a cycle of ‘weather patterns’. For example, our now president -Donald J. Trump- doesn't consider climate change to a threat to the inhabitants of earth. Our president also said that global warming is a ‘hoax’.

“Snowing in Texas and Louisiana, record setting freezing temperatures throughout the country and beyond.
Global warming is an expensive hoax!”
-Donald J. Trump

This is what many people believe, and this tweet too seems pretty logical to a majority of people. But in 2014 January 29th when Donald J. Trump posted this tweet, there was record setting freezing temperatures happening nation and worldwide. But also 2014 was one of the top three hottest years on record. Now that doesn't seem like a ‘hoax’.
Humans don't like being wrong. It's embarrassing, uncomfortable to believe something and then be confronted about it. So that's why there's still high percentage of people who don't believe in the change in climate. People who work with oil companies don't want to acknowledge it because it can ruin their business. Politicians ignore the problem because it costs money to fix our past mistakes. That fear, people being scared, it makes us shut down. But we can try ignoring the problem, but the thing about problems is, they can be ignored but they never truly disappear. Weather may feel the same as every other year, but The whole world is heating up, including our vast oceans.
Tropical hurricanes need to have surface water temperatures to be 26°C or more for them to form. As our oceans get hotter hurricanes are able to form farther out in the sea

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