
Argumentative Essay On Social Media

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When people think of social media they probably think of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. All of these websites allow you to post, comment, and like things other people say. It’s a great concept and all of these types of social media are very popular. I have an account or two on all of these websites, but after a while started to notice something. It started going from nice posts and pictures of my friends to videos and pictures of people I didn’t know all with very negative comment sections. This made the whole experience of seeing what my friends were doing a stressful time. After that occurred four years ago I decided to seek out an alternative form of social media that would have a more positive feeling to it. I needed to prove to myself that not all social media was a bad place or just a waste of time. My search started in the Apple app store since I had just received a new iPad for my birthday. I looked for a while, but my search had failed and actually started to feel impossible. I had lost all hope that this perfect app existed until a few weeks later when I was talking to one of my friends. She knew that I enjoyed singing so she told me about this new app she found called Smule Sing and said I should make an account. We went to my house and downloaded this app on my iPad and sang a song together. It was really fun, but I didn’t understand what the app was yet. Later after she left I sang a few more songs and people started to like and comment on them and I was

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