
Argumentative Essay : Saving Private Ryan

Decent Essays

Saving Private Ryan Argumentative Essay
The film Saving Private Ryan, is about a United States Army Captain (CPT) and his chosen squad that are tasked with locating and recovering Private (PVT) Ryan, after the news of his three brothers’ deaths reaches the Army. The CPT chooses a few specific men to aid him with this mission.
The first dilemma being whether the lives of the CPT’s eight men is worth the life of a single soldier. In the film the CPT and his men are able to recover PVT Ryan at the cost of five of his men and his own life. If I were in the CPT’s place, I would have done the best to complete the mission while still holding to the Soldier’s Creed, which I believe the CPT did do. Toward the end of the film, having found PVT Ryan, the CPT and his squad could have recovered PVT Ryan and left his unit to hold their own against the attacking enemy. However, the CPT, being the most senior ranking, assumed command and assisted in the defense of the key terrain the enemy was seeking to seize.
During the middle of the film, the CPT and his squad encounter a French family that attempts to give their child to one of the CPT’s men. The dilemma here is that the Soldier the family gives there child to wants to keep her safe, even though he has a perilous mission to still accomplish. The Soldier accepts the child from the family, against his CPT’s orders, and is unfortunately shot by an enemy sniper. While the enemy sniper is engaged and destroyed, the Soldier bleeds out and

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